Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wanna Go Steady?

As you guys know I’ve decided to enter the world of online dating. I have a crappy schedule and am kind of, sort of really shy so. Basically, I have a hard time meeting guys and when I do I get all awkward. The kind of awkward where someone will say hi to me and I’ll get that deer caught in the headlights look and mumble something about gnomes while I slowly blend into the wall.

I’ve only been online dating for a few weeks and the thing I’ve noticed is that it’s a lot like an elementary school dance. Boys are standing on one side of the wall while the girls whisper and giggle to each other while standing on the opposite side of the room. They all kind of look at each other until one of the boys takes a step forward. At that moment everything stops, even the cheesy 90’s love song that’s playing. The girls hold their breath as they wonder which one he’s going to ask to dance and the boys stare in amusement all the while thinking of the jokes they’ll tell if the boy is rejected. And just like that the brave little boy takes a step back and everything goes back to normal.

That is online dating. These sites will show you who checked out your profile so you can in turn check out theirs. From what I’ve noticed, if they are not interested they won’t check your profile out a second time. If you’re really lucky and that person is interested they might send you a “wink” or even message you. However, if you’re anything like me you check out their profile, they check out yours, you check theirs again and this vicious cycle continues for several days until one of you gets bored and just stops.

I’ve also noticed that I’m not the only flake on this planet. I’ll see a new message in the inbox, we’ll have a nice conversation for a few a days, might even exchange numbers and them BAM! Complete silence. It’s like the last few days of my awkward flirting never happened. And yes, I’ll do that slightly obsessive thing where I reread the messages wondering if I said something that was offensive and then come to the conclusion that he’s an idiot and I have to paint my nails anyway.

Along with the flakes you also have the occasional weirdo that wants to see pictures of your feet, the guy who has pictures of himself with kids but then prefers to not answer if he has kids or wants kids and then you have the guy who just cannot get the hint. He’s checked out your profile and you looked at his and determined no, no sir I am not interested in being your child bride. But every day he sends you a message about how he’ll take care of you and how much fun the two of you will have. And even though you’ve ignored his 15th message, he still just doesn’t get the hint.

I’m still on the fence about this whole online dating thing. I don’t know if it’s from watching How I Met Your Mother or all those romantic comedies but I feel like meeting someone online takes away a little of the romance. When someone asks how you met it’s just a simple, “Oh his profile totally caught my eye on whatever website.” I’m not saying that I want some big, almost hard to believe story but something more than meeting online. Kind of like Ted Mosby except for the whole it takes 9 years to tell the story. COME ON MAN, HOW DID YOU MEET THE MOM??!? JUST TELL US ALREADY!

On a completely unrelated topic, do you work with someone that has an odd taste in desk décor? I don’t mean like awkward vacation pictures or paintings from their kids. I mean like a weird little figurine. Ok, well I’ll get right to the point. There is one co-worker who has this mini pumpkin that her kid painted on her desk. It’s been there since Halloween and it gives me the freakin creeps. Sometimes when I’m at my desk I’ll get this eerie feeling, the kind that makes the hair on the back of my neck, and as I glance over the short wall of my cubicle I see that it is staring at me. There are times when I swear it turns slowly on it’s own just to stare me down. Don’t believe me? Here, take a look.
It's evil.

ALSO! GUYS! FREE NERF GUN!!! I know you want it and all you have to do is type your name in the comment section below! Also, if you live internationally you can totally enter and I’m going to pay for the shipping and handling. Why am I doing this? Because my dear, sweet adorable readers, this is my gift to you. SO GET TO ENTERING!


  1. Confession time: I used to be an online dating whore. Not like, whorish behavior (well, okay, that too), but I was a member of... maybe 6 sites, at one time.
    And you know what? It worked.
    I did online dating a few different times, for different reasons. First, I married and subsequently divorced really young, so the first time, I wanted to have fun and meet new people and just date, without a relationship. And I did exactly that. I went on tons of first dates and almost no second dates, and just had a really good time. The I wanted a relationship, and I found one for about five years, only it didn't work out because he was a lying douchecanoe cheater and even though I'm a slow learner, I do eventually learn.
    Then, I accidentally found my mate. The odds were against us even meeting- we lived a couple hundred miles from one another, had our search settings to eliminate each other... and we've lived together for a year now.
    So, if you're awkward and shy and weird (the last part was just me projecting my own stuff onto you) don't give up if it's something you actually want, because organic meetings just don't happen the way they used to, and being open to online dating can put your path in line with someone's whose snores you can actually stand.
    Also, on an unrelated note, is it possible your coworker has gotten so used to seeing the pumpkin that it's kind of escaped her notice? Because if she doesn't get rid of that thing soon, your office is gonna be host to a whole bunch of other interesting things. And I might be slightly paranoid, but I also believe all things that used to be alive bring bugs with them at some point.

  2. After I posted about how I wish I could meet someone more the traditional way because there's more romance that way I had a different thought. Yeah, the whole meeting someone organically can make a fun story that's not exactly what I'm aiming for. I would rather have the story of our relationship, adventures and building a life together. So, meeting someone online doesn't really phase me as much now.

  3. I'll have you know I'm currently engaged to the wonderful gal I met online a few years ago. We lived 80 miles apart, but the stars aligned and brought us together. Yes, it's def awkward when people ask us how we met, but oh well. We wouldn't have met any other way most likely.

  4. Seth, that's so amazing!! And congratulations!!!
