Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cheaters, Part Two

The boys and I have decided this is the year we’re going to become skinny bitches lose the weight. First, it was just “Sean,” “Chris” and I and our sweeping declaration to never let the crumbs of fast food touch our lips. We gave each other the shady eye while we secretly placed bets on who would cave first. A certain someone, *COUGHSEANCOUGH* even went as far as to taunt me and said I would be the first to cave.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. I was preparing for work one glorious afternoon, when “Sean” casually came strolling in with a Taco Bell bag. From that point on I felt that it was my mission in life to point out every time he came to work with fast food that I was not the one who caved. It eventually got the point where he felt I was border line harassing him and he dropped out of the no fast food ban.

We then decided to implement our money jar plan. Each week we put $5 into a jar and at the end of the month whoever loses the most weight wins the money. A fellow friend overheard these plans and decided to join in.

Everyone, I would like you all to welcome “Mauricio” to the blog.
*Golf clap, golf clap*

So week one went pretty well and then the weekend came. “Chris” and I made secret plans to order from Panda House (I told you that was going to happen…) on a day when the other two would not be working. And let me tell you, that fried rice and egg roll were totally amazing. I also got a second eggroll but that was used as bribery to make sure mom kept her pretty, little mouth shut about our indiscretion.  

Monday afternoon came around and we all gave each other the guilty looks. “Sean” started the confessions by admitting he didn’t think he had lost any weight because he cheated. I then felt compelled to admit that “Chris” and I had cheated over the weekend as well. And wouldn’t you know it, “Mauricio” cheated too! We’re all just a bunch of cheaters.


  1. I don't have any nutritional or even anecdotal evidence to back this up, but I'm pretty sure all diets work better if you allow for a cheat day. A. Cheat. Day. Not, like, seventeen. Something about restarting your metabolism and other dietary words I just made up.
    Just call me Jillian Michaels. No, don't, because she's scary.

  2. LOl. Yeah, and usually when we cheat we limit what we eat so we don't go over on calories. But I agree, there has to be one day where you can cheat. I notice that when I deprive myself of something I end up sabotaging myself.
