Saturday, February 2, 2013


I'm not much of a club person. I always end up sounding like a muppet that smokes about 10 packs a day when I leave. Plus, the music is so loud that half the time I have no idea what anyone is saying to me. It could be anywhere along the lines of murdering their family and I'm just sitting there, nodding and smiling and telling them how cool that sounds. I prefer the low key bars where I'm not screaming WHAT? and the person gives me that mega irritated look so I pretend I have to go to the bathroom and walk off. If I've done that to you, I'm not sorry. You should have spoken up, jerk.

There's one club in town that everyone seems to go to and I'm not sure if it's because despite all the other clubs constantly being shut down due shootings and stabbings or if it's actually a fun place. It's suppose to be a country bar but they have on occassion played one or two hip hop songs. I haven't been there in a while but the last few times it's kind of the same thing over and over again. There's always that one REALLY drunk girl that's sitting on the bathroom floor and sobbing. And I don't mean like quiet sobbing, I mean that dramatic the world is coming to end and I forgot to feed my puppy kind of sobbing. Her equally drunk friends are usually circled around her trying to console her as she blurts out, "but he said he liked me and he's DANCING WITH THAT SLUT!" Meanwhile, I'm just standing in line for the bathroom and thinking, ah, junior high, glad that crap is over.

Then there's the dance floor. The other massively drunk girls are out there and having a good time dancing with each other. Occassaionly, one will shout about how much fun they're having and should take a group picture. So, naturally, they all pose like gravity is pulling them to ground and sprout a duck face. Meanwhile, the guys are just standing around the dance floor, a beer in their hand while they just watch the drunk girls. It's almost like a hunter watching his prey, waiting for the poor unsuspecting girl to stray from the herd. Maybe her feet hurt so she's going to sit down or she needs another drink, whatever it is he's going to stalk her and wait for that perfect moment to approach her. And then BAM! He drags her off to his cave.

That's just what I've observed.

Also, guys don't forget to enter yourself for a chance to win a FREE NERF GUN! Do you know what you have to do to win? Just type your silly little name down in the comment section below! SO DO IT NOW!

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